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Social media killed blogs, right?
Things move on, sure. The all pervasive “hot new shit” arrives and sweeps us all up in it’s splendour. But the hot new shit inexorably becomes the everyday shit and if it doesn’t watch it’s back, it just ends up as plain shit.
Like email killed the postal service, downloads killed vinyl and video killed the radio star (sorry Buggles), some things don’t really die, they just find their niche.
For me, the idea of a space where I can honestly share stuff in as long a form as I fancy, without the frantic pace and algorithms of social media or a “brand image” dictating terms really appeals. The fact that the only people reading it will be people interested in it seems like such an insane concept in the age of promoted ads and customer engagement that I’m surprised it’s even allowed.
While it IS allowed, however, I figured I’d give it a shot.
“The UnScene” will hopefully be exactly that. Not an airbrushed surf scene utopia but instead, the oft-hidden reality of being an angst ridden, overthinking 40 something surfboard builder making niche surfboards out of niche materials for a niche part of a niche market in a surfing backwater. There is a strong possibility of swearing, politics, religion, sex, drugs and violence all rearing their heads. There will certainly be wood shavings, surf nerdery, baked goods and tea. Beyond that? Who the fuck knows.
You in?